Message from @holy peanut
Discord ID: 691365132374114355
And even then you’re treating the people who have a worse strain of autism is there fault
just treat them like normal people lol
You are actively making fun of people with a disability they can’t control
Okay, fine. If you want to speak in relativistic terms, go ahead. But 90% of the people on my bus throughout HS hated this one kid because he was annoying. He was a self-described autist.
Self described
no autist actually "self-describes"
No that’s called a attention whore
Yes, but it was obvious, plus he was sensitive when someone brought it up.
so then he wasnt an autist , he was just a faggot
Sounds about right
Plus, it wasn't like, "Oh I have autism, pity me". He never said he had autism directly, he would say things like "oh, don't say xxx about autism."
It's pretty obvious that he was socially incapable, he would disregard complaints by the people around him.
I’d love to shove a live Frag Grenade in his asshole
that's some weird fedposting wtf.
Bro, you're listening to "Foster the people". Please stop talking, I don't talk to mass shooters.
Nobody gets “strains” of autism. Lmao
I meant that there are different levels lol
autism is a spectrum , there are different types of it
Some people have it worse than others. But strain wasn’t the right word
I have to put up with an autist at my school that probably wasn’t given treatment/ meds / consoling or whatever until his balls dropped. Well this kid is both a furry and a brony. One time, I got sent to go find him after he left for the restroom and never came back.
I predicted that you have autism just by reading one line of yours. See? I can tell, along with everyone else @Enwiser
Fucker was jacking off to gay furry porn in school
I do. But i am not incapable of socializing saying that autistic people cant control themselves is pretty bad
Among those with gender dysphoria, autism is over-represented. Proof that transgenderism is a trait of autism.
“Autist” is used in different context on the internet too. One of my best friends is a spergi boy. He calls other people autists.
We are called Aspies
what is a spergi
Asypergers Symdrome
someone that suffers of asperger's but it sounds like sperm if u say it "spergi"
Y’all know Jerry Seinfeld? He has that
Roblox memes aren't funny, I predict @[BCP] ArCeeGee also has autism.
why are you being such a dick to everyone
Ok so just because autism and gender dysphoria are both portrayed in the media there the same can you explain you’re logic?
Not understanding current society and culture is an indication of autism.
Well culture now...