Message from @☕Imako☕
Discord ID: 692446421810413568
Romania is nothing but a punch of paint sniffers
Maybe(?) but guns arent historically part of their culture, unlike ours.
aurolac sniffing is the center of romania culture
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs no need to be a douche to a good nation
They're no Poland, but they're not Germany
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs damn you not wrong
i know Im being a bit of a douche but romania really isnt much of a country
You could argue crack is at the center of American culture. It'd be equally untrue.
According to the Romanian national statistics institute the average salary in Romania in August 2016 was, before taxes, 2874RON (approx 718$ or 638€) and after taxes (net salary) 2021RON (approx 505$ or 448€).
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs Are you Romanian?
United States might have a drug issue in poor neighborhoods but kids running around sniffing paint because they are starving is not common, same with drugs
To say our drug issue is on par with theirs is laughable
yeah thats true. you can draw some parallels but the severity is probably different
its like saying black people dont have a crime problem because white people also commit crimes
Marijuana is the more prevalent drug nowadays, and not even that is abused to the same extent as paint in romania
Guys we have to all stay home and live on free money indefinitely cuz coronavirus.
Man, I wanna go back to work, ngl.
An economy can run forever with no production guys.
Why do we have to drag these retards along into reality all the time?
My company makes parts for the military which means I get a paycheck plus the free trumpbucks on top of it
its gonna end in 1 month or so , the US will probably start working again fairly soon
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs and you're proud of your handout?
@Trumpede awww are you upset?
Why would I be upset? I just don't need handouts.
Well some do
Neither do I, doesnt mean I wont accept it or be glad about receiving it. I work a 60k a year office job im more than fine
Its like a bonus from the government
Guys if I eat fish tank cleaner can I blame Drumpf?
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs you're part of the problem
Yeah true. I had over 4k in my bank account when this happened, for emergencies. I treat 4,000 as 0 dollars in my account....You know, for in case something like this shit happens. People are so irresponsible. Ive only been out of school for 8 months and Im more prepared than most of america
> @Drawgs_and_Pawgs you're part of the problem
@Trumpede What problem is that?
What am I supposed to do turn my money back in?
The problem that is people wanting government handouts
Donate it to the Trump campaign, sure
Your means don’t equate to that of others, not everyone will always be able to get by without governmental aid.
I want government hand outs because theres nothing you can do about people being irresponsible they are always gonna exist regardless. We need them to not starve and we need them to spend money
Spend it at local small businesses. Spread it to them as much as possible.