Message from @Lightningboltz03
Discord ID: 692573595284537455
I ain’t think trump that bad of a guy if imma be honest withcu
I feel like we got a surge of suspects all at once. Let's see how it goes.
take this test -
Is bernee here I lik the healtcare
I ain’t wasting mah time doing that shit
That one is biased to tell you that you're left wing
Also @oof "No doxing, including revealing personal information of non-public figures, as well as addresses, phone numbers, etc. of public figures."
@Lightningboltz03 He was, but he had to take a nap. I'm not sure which of his houses he's at, though.
I got right wing on it
oh am sorry
mostly libertarian though
I put strongly anti abortion, anti illegal immigrants, etc etc and got left wing
then you put something else
Do you want us all to prove we are right wing?
You had to have been social with your economic policies
That test told me I'm so far right that I had to get a second monitor just to see where I placed
@RepublicanReichsWehrGeneral Thats the point of the vetting proccess
You get the green role if you get vetted
Well i know, but what if I’m fine with having limited access I mean
I honestly don't plan to ever talk in here again, I just wanted to add to the user base to spit in the face of AHS retards
No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA
ight im leaving to watch netflix bye guys
I am legel immgrant though
I'm not even big on Trump (certainly not anti though) I just want to spite ahs and have this server have as many users as the subreddit did
Lol you guys have been pranked minarchism gang enjoy violating the NAP later
Click it
I did, it’s very interesting
It’s very pro trump!
Hello everyone! Found this server by accident.
Screw Mexico and other stuff
I voted for Trump in 2016 and I intend to vote for him again
@Pytokonda 🐏 Naa, but we have a couple of retards