Message from @Burn
Discord ID: 693188375959699586
if you say you back trump on the SMALLEST THING, they all snap
Chink loving commies
anyone else here looking at the numbers on worldometer? Is the explosion of cases in the states due to more testing?
The opposite is true in China, they figured out if you don’t test your numbers stop growing - but they tried to re open stuff and closed it again
What happened to the subreddit lol
Who the hell are you? @Burn
@Kako Ah thats what I figured. hope everyone is safe. I admit I am a little concerned with Corona. not just for my own life but my parents as well and the economy.
@Pepe The Frog Just a guy from Denmark 😄
Don’t be too concerned. Current models predict a 0.1% mortality in developed countries, equal to the flu
Lmao that’s the most friendly response I’ve gotten from doing that
But what happened to the subreddit tho, it's kinda sad..
The reason between the observed difference and theoretical, is because it’s believed that coronavirus is extremely contagious, but most people are asymptomatic. They plan in the US to do serum antibody studies to verify this
They should test 100 random people who arent sick, see if any of them have it
They need a larger pool than that, probably about 50,000 would be my target
The american left should stop blaming Trump for maybe being a little late.. I don't think any government was really prepared for it in any way. Don't bring your political bias into corona virus
The left blames trump for everything
Exactly nothing has changed about it.
I mean, now they're bashing him for being a little behind on corona virus, which everyone in the whole world was.. What about muh ukranian phone calls
They are calling im a fascist for wanting to get the country back to work because ppl will die
The reality is, this has been happening for a long time in the US.
Trump just pulled down the curtains over it
I think the mainstream media is more or less retarded no matter what country you go to
you dont have to be a genius to be a journalist
In fact, you can’t be
the problem with midwits is that theyre smart enough to be smarter than idiots, but not smart enough to doubt themselves.
like a 110 iq.
I’m like a -3
lol just barely enough to have a functioning heart
unable to even understand boundaries of shapes
Top Six Awful Democrat Ideas Senate Republicans Blocked from Coronavirus Bill
Lol Breitbart, in Danish television that's the website causing all the hate from the right xD
Im SO HAPPY the regressives picked up on this
It's not even hard imagine Biden doing some shit like that..
i was a bernie supporter for all but a few months. then i decided i liked reading books