Message from @Pepe The Frog
Discord ID: 693192984891490394
lol just barely enough to have a functioning heart
unable to even understand boundaries of shapes
Top Six Awful Democrat Ideas Senate Republicans Blocked from Coronavirus Bill
Lol Breitbart, in Danish television that's the website causing all the hate from the right xD
Im SO HAPPY the regressives picked up on this
It's not even hard imagine Biden doing some shit like that..
i was a bernie supporter for all but a few months. then i decided i liked reading books
that was years ago though
I dont feel bad being for Cruz before I swapped to Trump
Cruz was a shadow Bushite
Wow I’m drinking beer while working 🥴
@Pytokonda 🐏 I’m drinking a brit beer.
They are fkn retarded
im in their chat rn posing as a bernie bro its hilarious
Link it
Omg it’s evil that we have to be productive and contribute to the production of products we consume
It confuses me why people would want to vote for an old man with dementia?
They complain about poor people only making 7.25 an hour. Like bitch factory workers at my company start out at 15 an hour. Only pre requesite is that you have to have a clean record
4chins needs to get them to hunger strike
making less than 14 an hour is a choice
Making less than 14 is your first job
Fucking Chik-fil-a pays that almost for entry-level
These commie tards aspire to work in a call center
Ive had enough of 4chins and the fear mongering going on there all I see are threads with " muh expodential rate in two weeks!" and " THIS IS NOT THE FLU ITS WORSE I SWEAR!!"
then they bitch about toxic office environments
@Asriel LoL, i haven't gone there in like 8 years
They are the toxic people ...
they all make less than 40k, one less than 30k
I still love the ranting about how there's no POC or women in the final candidate choices.
Bitch you have nobody to point the finger at than your own
the republican party is more diverse than the dems
profiting from labor is a god given right
I have to ask what the actual fuck were the dems thinking shutting down the country let alone planned to for so long? the country can not sustain it self like this for long. my only guess is to destroy every bit of fianicial gain that Trump was responsible for in economy. Democrats are petty bastards.