Message from @John Albert
Discord ID: 693997154309767169
Dank server a special place. Scat is king there
@Pytokonda 🐏 HAHAHAHAHAH
How many virgin points do yall have
D E A T H#0482 was swallowed by the establishment
Rip death
How many of you got inside?
@Butts alot
He's not around anymore
Commies gotta go
TYFYS @Feddie <:trumpsalute:624684793547849788>
Ugh *heres another one* @Feddie
Send them back back back
I just saw the_donald had a bunch of mods removed. A MONTH AGO. I feel like they took advantage of the virus to do it under the radar, but I'm shocked and somewhat embarrassed I didn't know sooner. I take it .win and Discord are the go-to now?
They have to go back<:TrumpSpeech:624681484644777987>
.win is the go to
@Pytokonda 🐏 front page of <:WIN:656261034780393494> has a sticky image basically tailored for you to use here
What's that? I am meme dumping on the bernie discord
Its that discord's spelling
read it in the image you posted lol
Well I just got swallowed by the establishment lol
I posted at least 17 memes and got at least 3 confirmed kills lol
I posted a few and got like one in the introduction
I hope Trump wrecks the corporate media in his second term
Yo does anyone know anything about dirtbikes? I want to get a new 500
@Oliver @fllowers @John Albert @John Albert @Idkhaxer @BIllNyeARetardedGuy @Yummy Biscuits#8969 @AgentNed♡ @CalamityBomb @Donald Trump#5620 <:yeetgold:624684599733125164> <:yeetgold:624684599733125164> <:yeetgold:624684599733125164>
> I hope Trump wrecks the corporate media in his second term
@fllowers who are they?