Message from @Trump_Change
Discord ID: 694039752835334165
meh who knows, im worried about it being over a mil by the end of 2021.
ThAtLl Be A yIkEs FrOm Me
Lol yeah that's pretty accurate though
What you don’t like overweight fags telling you you’re an insignificant white male? Shame
Yeah let's unpack this
How about this: Let’s pack it up and send it to China, because they would probably like the taste of whale
@Pytokonda 🐏 oi
Cunt burgers
Coom slushees
You didn’t see that
what up saturn
Yeah that’s been the trend in here the last couple days
Na that’s tey tey lol. I was just being gay
Life would be easier if I was gay
Well my parents would hate me even more than they do now
Hi everyone. New to the party.
Welcome Bitch
Thank you, sir. May I have another?
No... no
You stay here with this riff raff
I was told this was a safe place since our almighty sub is... our sub
If you suggest .win, I'm on there already
Thought I would check this place out
Vetting works how? I clicked the link, but that's about it.
speaking of vetting, I hope I can be vetted soon
Hello is anyone else bored
Why are we letting the donald die