Message from @frozen
Discord ID: 694020951997939742
i'm legit not but ok
u a ho
Mad Tranny XXTen lmfao
the more roles u have in a discord server the smaller ur tan banana is
What happened to the Donald
Sorry I’ve lived under a rock lmfaooo
Idk we kinda like Bernie now :/ sorry
basically the reddit admins removed T_D mods and gave them a cherry picked group to replace them with
but they were libs obviously so posts were locked
lmfao 🗿 ofc reddit
Reddit fucks
they sure do try
you guys ever go on r/politics and other anti trump boards just to see the nonsense people are saying?
Sup, wanna duel? @frozen
I go on some leftist discord channels sometimes lol
Thee shallnt duel fren, ally *lower your flintlock*
its super easy to get vetted into the bernie discord. I will troll them once and a while and say "I disagree with trump on everything EXCEPT THIS ONE THING" then I proceed to troll the fuck out of them
Thy is remorsed for thy doings, I humbly request your forgiveness in the matter.
I like the format, but there's only so much I can do on a phone
*forgives* with a bow
how many deaths total will occur due to coronavirus?
Let me step in thy time machine and tell you
less than those that occur due to people with information incriminating the Clintons
meh who knows, im worried about it being over a mil by the end of 2021.
ThAtLl Be A yIkEs FrOm Me
Lol yeah that's pretty accurate though