Message from @tsar
Discord ID: 694167016336130098
Hootn tootn I’m a gay trans black Muslim Mexican socialist communist for trump😎
@Kåre Willoch#2485 nice
have any of you seen the #map and #nomaps community shit on twitter??
No, not aware.
Gotta be a trolljob.
It's not. there is loads of them
It isn't. He/she/it is serious judging by the related posts and followers. The hell...
Yeah I see that now. Peak degeneracy.
right? like the fuck is that
Hey fellow gamers
is saying the n word legal here
Unlike Twitter we believe in free speech
lovly. I’m not compelled to say it because there’s no overbearing authoritarian force
Biden’s projected to will almost all upcoming dem primaries. Which means he’ll be pitted against trump in the presidential debate
Therefore, trump will win because Biden’s debate skills are mediocre
Can he even say skills?
@tsar @MooseOperator @Coimeadach @Ultimarok @Erlend @Slimey4L @Kåre Willoch#2485 oi what you doing outside. The great sniffer dog has found you. Now pay the fine or go to jail
I don’t negotiate with terrorists
<:obama:645342298183434270> <:10thousandobamas:638077950071275540> <a:obamasphere:637803174039912468>
@Pytokonda 🐏 woot border patrol is here.
i hope you all burn in hell
more awesome pictures at
Greetings from Australia!!!! I love TRUMP!
Been supporting him since he first came down that elevator
everything is going as I expected and he is kiciking the shit out of everyone I despise
the man is a hero
thanks to everyone for all the laughs during the election on the_donald (reddit) and now on .win