Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 694303221983871057
Hillary is going to make him kill him self
@Criostoir thats simply because bernie has no shot at beating biden
Im referring to the democratic party picking the right candidate to beat trump, not who I would bet on atm
> Trump is favourite on paddypower at 10/11, Joe Biden is second at 5/4 and Sanders is 33/1
@Criostoir this is closer than it ever has been (and let's be real, the EC will be a landslide for the Trumpster), so if the media hypes corona a little bit more, the line will be juicy enough to invest
lol oh you best believe the media will be juicing this fucker up all they can
Wonder will that shit CNN reporter attack trump tonight or will she even be allowed to ask a question
seems like forever since Sara Huckahammer was bodyslamming those goons
Meh vag
Forgot I've Nitro, surely if i boost they will hurry up and vet me
Probably, the vetting system is kinda gay
Server maxed. So no need to boost tbh
whats sarah huckabee doing these days
> @Kitty oi woman
@Pytokonda 🐏unfair tbh, Sarah Huckabee did it without playing cards
If Sarah Sanders were single, would you guys date/sleep with/marry her if that meant you could work for the president one day
Don't Sanders family hate him tho?
date no sleep no, blind date marry impregnate under the covers with the lights off -- yes
Whenever Uk joins the EU
why are all the liberal cesspits the ones under enforced lock down and in such bad shape , it doest make sense
someone who lives in my apt complex has COVID13 have yall seen this shit? This fucking asian eats live animals on camera, she has 3.33million subs and gets a shitton of views on all her videos, she's monetised, look at people like pjw and lwc who are demonetised we need to start a mass shit smearing campaign against YouTube
R Kelly lives by you?
covid19 excuse me
chinese virus, you're excused
@TheMuffinMan old news
Chinky pox
@Pytokonda 🐏 i just found about this
@TheMuffinMan stop living in the past then
I feel like the mods are offline more than everyone else
@Trump_Change or they set it so they are offline
Must be using internet explorer
only boomers use explorer
netscape ftw
actually its "Microsoft Edge" get it right
oh edgy
Hey everyone! I just heard about TheDonald.Win. This is freaking fantastic!
I know there are rules against self-promotion, but I'd like to talk about this on my YouTube show The Brushfire Mind tomorrow morning. What is the best way to contact the moderators to ask for a go ahead on this?