Message from @jenna
Discord ID: 694323335424901162
Invalid-user's a faggot
Imagine if we had someone grow a baby inside of a maleβs fake womb, and let him piss it out
i want to live it. i dont want to imagine
Damn that's ugly as hell to think of
Probably rip his fake coochie off
hi hot stuffs
Hey secsy
Im black but i still voted for trump
same but im blasian
Im gay
Cool story bro
Ur server is dead cause of this stupid slowmode
Blasian? What the fuck is that
Half black half asian
@jenna or get vetted and join the vetted chat that don't have cooldown
Is slow mode lifted once you're fully vetted?
Read pinned @jenna
This is unvetted chat. There a reason there is a cooldown and you can't post pics.
TLDR: Cant read
Now we match @Criostoir
@Pepe The Frog about time.
@Criostoir I read, he posted it just as I finished typing.
Meant him
We don't talk to the Irish here. @Ultimarok he is drunk and trying to blow up my car again.
To be fair, I have have had a few cans.
Gtfo until December
Also heads up, there's some leftists going around raiding right-wing servers. They have names like "barbie for bernie" and etc., they keep spamming some shitty Nicki Minaj song and ending it with "A WOMAN'S BODY IS HER OWN RIGHT"
A wOmAn'S bOdY iS hEr Own RiGhT
Santas work is cancelled this year, the elves have covid
Haha finna leftists, women donβt hav rights
>Raids Trump-related servers
>But Biden and the DNC are the ones that fucked their candidate
Furries support Sanders. Thats enough informatino
Furries? Gas.