Message from @Criostoir
Discord ID: 694330227316490300
Iām sorry I got really mad there, carry on
@Pepe The Frog confirmed Brit.
Iām a yank okay <:sweetsad:624681482337910794>
Harsh. I know we voted in Gay rights and have a Gay leader but we all aint <:wtf:624684793455443998>
<:hmm:624681486045675530> there are no gays in Ireland
Not gay if you are drunk
Or doing it with the homies
Gay leader, Sinn Fein Senators are gay too posing topless in Gay pride the man on the right side of the screen is a senator
and Sinn Fein. This isn't what the rebels died for
when u guys gonna end the fed
I don't know. You rebels picked a side. now deal with it <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>
Did someone say Brit? <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754>
@Pytokonda š We still got our Republic
@Criostoir for now. Till EU crashes within 2 years. You have euros, so it's going to hurt. It's ok, UK will we let our drunk friends join.
cant believe killing babies is a essential service
@Pytokonda š I have to give it you, some of them are good actually havent seen them before
@Criostoir i have alot. I have pro and anti stuff for most things <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Gotta play both sides. That way I will always win
Hows the royal family these days?
@Criostoir all ded soon. China killed them, I don't mind. Means free holidays for me
Well that weird prince is recovered
whats the pedo prince doing
probably deciding on the next kid
Dont think he recovered yet. Very good chance queen will die from it tho
If she does, our economy will boom
Was on the news today he has recovered, after 7 days. And yeah boom like the car bombs.
i met someone who is apparently english royalty. only because i'm friends with a girl he hooked up with. she said he liked having his face farted on.
Some guy from my last church claimed to be royalty and knighted me. I mean if it's legit.... What evs.
Rumour has it, that's prince @Pytokonda š
i got got banned from wallstreetbets
For what?