Message from @OSCIM
Discord ID: 694397787441201162
I hope that doesn't happen, but that's the pattern
I got banned from an ancap discord for asking a question
Anarcho Capitalism
Questions are the most destructive weapons known to man.
Aren't they?
And I have all the answers. They may not be right but what you going to do <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>
now I will ask you guys a question
will Trump preserve America's status as the world's sole superpower
define "superpower"
the same way it's been defined in the context of geopolitics throughout history, a power that is capable of exerting force economically and militarily on a global scale
former powers include the British Empire and the Soviet Union
In general, I believe he'll keep America on top in spite of the demoncraps efforts to thwart him at every turn like an obnoxious thorn in his side.
in that case, we weren't the only superpower when Trump took office
who was the other superpower @OSCIM?
Russia China India Pakistan Iran Brazil Mexico Canada UK Europe Israel Iraq pretty much anybody tbh by that definition
most of the countries listed never had those abilities
even Chinese virus fits that definition
Sounds a lot like what a monarchy would do.
America's job isn't to play world police.
okay take Iraq for example, military check, ruins economies globally check
if you consider Iraq a superpower then you must have very low standards
I mean, the definitionyou put forth is super broad
you mean like a country capable of conquering the whole world if it wanted to?
to an extent yes
We probably could.
so could russia and china and everybody else with nukes
Thanks to M.A.D.
> so could russia and china and everybody else with nukes
not quite
Mutually Assured Destruction
it's a bit more complex than just saying MAD
In what way?
UK is non-canon <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
a pre emptive strike could easily wipe away north korea's nuclear facilities and it doesn't have the power to retaliate against a real attack