Message from @lima429
Discord ID: 694707370802151464
Why indeed. <:thinkpepe:624684793388466186>
Hello Fellow Pede, @TrumpSupportingGrandpa
what is a pageru
i just want to gril!
hello friend frog man
Hopefully not penis.
@Chug Micheals and @TrumpSupportingGrandpa look like brothers
grilled cocks are a staple in san francisco
what is frog man
his little photo guy
oh hi frog man
"little photo guy" <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
hello sir
I thought a trump message board would be more active where is everyone?
We good?
where is trum p
This is just open general, vetted is more active
wow frog man looks sad can we make him happier
and fun
who are the mods i should ping to get vetted
Yeah we mint, @Feddie
what is a vetting?
Np, anytime
im not a vet, i dont work with animals
me neither
@TrumpSupportingGrandpa Vetting people to make sure they really are Trump supporters and not liberals, leftist, SJWs, raiders or spammers.
@TrumpSupportingGrandpa you are the most obvious fake account ever
what is a sjw
social idiot!
<:groyper:639335281857789952> let’s tell him
i cant stand those liberals