Message from @Pytokonda π
Discord ID: 694718534235848704
I got told off by police today
>Implying their true colors were never revealed
can i be let into the message board with more people FEDS
@Ultimarok this is just a shining example of their true colors....hopefully one that more americans notice
Anyone can join the message board. Vetting is for the chat.
i cant wait for him to win!
can i vettng myself
maga 2020
@Ultimarok why tf do I have to give the jannies my twitter and shit?
hell yeah chug KAGA 2020
Alright but don't get cocky and think we have this in the bag just because he'll have a landslide. THe left made that SAME mistake in 2016 and look where it got them.
Vote and VOTE HARD for Trump.
Keep America Great Assholes
keep america get again Chug :flag_US:
@Chug Micheals gonna be the best night ever when Trump wins
i mean keep America great again
@DobieGirl If we get a repeat of this: <:nooooo:624688733211459584>
I'll be satisfied.
oh sorry
@Ultimarok I predict it will be more epic than that
Thanks for the Green!
kill those commie bastards
My salt mines need extra stock.
We are now my favorite color.
is frog man still here? he was funny
remeber kill bill, that but bernie!
there are so many neomarxists in my classes...fucking people realize that MILLIONS OF FUCKING PEOPLE HAVE DIED UNDER COMMUNISM?.....fucking hell....this shit makes me genuinely, physically seethe...."muh free health" "muh welfare"....FUCK YOU...FUCK BERNIE...socialism/dems will fucking rape this country into oblivion....
bernie sanders has three fucking houses and is a millionaire with multi million dollar book deals. why is that okay?
"do as a say, not as i do" - bernie sanders
hes a hypocrite thats how
he doesnt want America great he wants to distroy it
@hit or miss eh it's always ok for communism. fuck commies
he wanst to kill america and give it to china
better dead than red
thats right Chug