Message from @Pytokonda π
Discord ID: 694729354751508540
<:patrioticpepe:624688733215522856> oh hes cute
Pepe is love, pepe is life.
so can someone vett me
@TrumpSupportingGrandpa Sorry gramps, still got a ways to go before we trust ye. First impressions are everything. Be patient.
alright i understand
That's what you get brit! <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754>
you don't want any liberals with the frog man color
they dont deserve it
ok i need to sleep now how do i close out of this
Click the red x on the top left corner. night pede. <:trumpsalute:624684793547849788>
goodnight mr frog
my name is not pede but gn
dont you know what pede means?
Why am I being nice to an obvious troll? <:facepalm:653840172949045259>
Idk, heβs either wholesome asf, or a really crap troll
bruh I genuinely hope that Rob isn't a poe
Well on the plus side, it means liberals can't really talk shit about us in that regard.
Yanks can't walk across the street without getting arrested for jaywalking. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498> gotta love freedom
Imagine waiting for little green Man to tell you when and where to cross the street <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>
<:pepehandsup:678001899051679754> <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754> <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754> <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754>
Tbh you CAN cross, but at crosswalks. Safety issue. I agree it's retarded though.
Well, at least we don't need a LOICENSE for everything. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
i am back
No cop can tell me where to cross here. Gotta love the sweet fresh air of freedom
Mfw I cross the street wherever and whenever I want
hello again funny men
Remember to report all libtards
aye aye Gunny
Report them to your local Right Wing Death Squad today!
See you lads in a while, time for Nioh 2.
gl hf