Message from @TrumpSupportingGrandpa
Discord ID: 694725589772271646
how did you do a black box
@Pepe The Frog <:pepehandsup:678001899051679754> No XD
Haha hehe hoho
XD means haha?
Yea, pretty much
XD means "I am a homosexual" in internet speak
but im not a gay
why did you lie frog man
No, “ultimarok” means I am homo sexual!
I am sorry, I have forsaken thee.
i accept you're apology
@Ultimarok good God I vouched for you gaywad
@Pepe The Frog <:triggered:681702413555728448>
why is lady mad
She’s a feminazi liberal
god bless his soul
how do i do small trump on peoples messages
Hit the smiley face on the right side of their message and select it from there.
what does 100 mean
It means I am correct.
ok thanks
how can my name be green
I want to be frog man color
By getting vetted
can someone vett me
<:patrioticpepe:624688733215522856> oh hes cute
Pepe is love, pepe is life.
so can someone vett me
@TrumpSupportingGrandpa Sorry gramps, still got a ways to go before we trust ye. First impressions are everything. Be patient.
alright i understand