Message from @Chug Micheals
Discord ID: 694742224621273129
Yeah, I think the mods just don’t want to vet people lol
FEDS is good on it, when he has time, he vets
im vetted. they just forgot
wink wink
> The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes.
does this shit even make sense?
ha thats funny!
They forgot us all in this muddy trench. Artillery flying overhead, gunshots in the night
kekistan vets forgotten
leave it to Southern Pov Law center to make some bullshit up. It's pretty obvious that 40% of molesters are homo.
We’re out of supplies, we haven’t moved from this trench in weeks. The mods know what they’re doing.
Shut up woman and get vetted
link up your social if you want faster vetting, if not we will see what happens
how do i link up
@Feddie could you tell me why you need my twitter before I do it?
i made a twitter just for yaall
Forgot I had this gem saved
@Some Fucking Leaf so we know you not a lefty coming to troll main chat
@Feddie just to let you know, I have a few good Pedes in a queue. Whenever you get the chance, it would be stellar if you could vet them. <:trumpsalute:624684793547849788>
a pede what is that mean
pm me your list
You Polly not one of you in dank server. But you know what left do to servers they don't like. Just look what happened to dank server in the past. @Some Fucking Leaf
And that was Vs a pug boi.
anyone here from the midwest?
I'm from the best Midwest if that counts. Midwest of UK @Trump_Change <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
@Pytokonda 🐏 thats what I was referring to
im from the midwest!
@Chug Micheals where at
Hey who’s that one guy we wanted vetted?
oh that was me
I did
up michigan
da UP
Sent my reddit to sharks
yes the UP
my 18 yr old is effin up the whole state rn
my parents are from esky banana
I have a camp up by mich tech too