Message from @Allegory
Discord ID: 695309536055001118
I'm getting some mileage out of these weeb memes lol
I believe that everyone deserves a chance at life, the adoption infrastructure needs to be reorganized, but that does not discredit the entire system as a whole
also @lima429 fuck off I'm trying to have a discussion
hahaha @lima429
@Some Fucking Leaf they are not you cunt, look at <#626467358810308620> lol
you’re right. the foster care system is horrible right now. people do deserve a chance at life but sometimes for example an 11 year old girl in ohio was refused an abortion and the when she had the child she died. abortion should be a right, i believe you should be pro life for yourself (if you’re a prolifer) and pro choice for others since it’s not your decision
We need destroyers in play to combat drug smuglers because of covid-19?
circumstances like that only count for 2% of cases though, and in that specific instance abortion was necessary.
I've been in the foster care situation for four years and I have to say Id rather be there than not given a chance at life because my mom was irresponsible
I do think women whose lives are in danger due to the baby in their stomach should be able to abort and women who have been raped as well but in the case of irresponsible sex I don't think theres an excuse.
It's time to shut down all immigration. 6.8 million Americans are unemployed, and it would be horribly unfortunate for an immigrant population to gobble those jobs up.
I wonder how many of the 11 million people now on unemployment because for a lot of people its a pay raise
@Pytokonda 🐏 @AgentNed♡ come quick guys, there's actual Japanese cartoons here, over
my main issue is when abortion is used almost as a form of contraception
Sure if we get rid of the cia running child sex slave cults foster care would be way better than murder via abortion
@Kira not gonna be a pay raise after inflation hits
still a pay raise
im really stressing over the economy
the money is worthless but they are still getting a pay raise
@lima429 well I might as well tell you, I also have an anime pfp
I just was sneaky about mine
28 dollars an hour is like 4x the pay a lot of people make lol
I want the conspiracy theory and abolishment of the fed to be true because the alternative looks like another depression
28 and hour is dick when a load of bread is 1 trillion dollars
So does my pal @Pytokonda 🐏 its ok
And 2 trillion tomorrow
again does not change the fact that they will still make more then working just the money is worthless
where'd the lefties go?
they got stopped
cause of stuff posted in <#626467358810308620>
People quickly figure out new ways to pay for services
lol leaf whats really a leftie these day even Obama is called right wing now...
meanwhile chinese flights continue to roll into canada
Monetary policy has prevented another depression numerous times, economic liberals btfo.
like me i have the same views i had 10 years ago but now im "far right"
that's a good point, the overton window is kinda fucked at the moment
most lefties dont even know they are now far right
Yeah i was moderate independent, bernie doner in 2016 but now with my same views im an extremeist alt right nazi