Message from @Zach

Discord ID: 695529516981813288

2020-04-03 06:54:59 UTC  

"b-b-b-but they just need to read locke! they havent heard the good word about individualism and small government!"

2020-04-03 06:56:01 UTC  

I understand what you're both saying. We shouldn't embrace muslims the same way we could embrace the Swedish/Ukranians and other countries that arent white: this is making me sound racist lol

2020-04-03 06:56:43 UTC  

I like Koreans as-well but I also think they are nationalist but specifically the muslims want to change America for the worst as they have in Iran and other countries

2020-04-03 06:57:57 UTC  

how many ukranians and swedish people come to america

2020-04-03 06:58:13 UTC  

I don't think Africans stand a chance in the intellectual arena, the same way we don't stand a chance to them in the atheletic arena statically. Sounds racist but seems to be the case.

My Grandmother came from Ukrane and shes the sweetest god loving American i know

2020-04-03 06:58:41 UTC  

She raised 15 children that feel the same way; and they all have their own families

2020-04-03 06:59:33 UTC  

My aunt maria is from portugal and she loves America; learned everything about it and she wants the best for America as-well (she does hate Trump tho and we go back and forth on that)

2020-04-03 06:59:52 UTC  

it took like 70 years for italians to be fully integrated into american culture alone

2020-04-03 07:00:00 UTC  

don't forget about the irish

2020-04-03 07:00:30 UTC  

how do you conceivably integrate dozens of radically different people that arent like the italians which are basically just slightly different europeans

2020-04-03 07:01:08 UTC  

They need to succomb and embrace Americanism and they can respect their culture but ultimately understand that they're AMERICANS now.

2020-04-03 07:01:53 UTC  

The worst immigration are the ones that come and try to enforce their countries ideaologies; the ones that come here because America is AMERICA then thats good in my eyes.

2020-04-03 07:02:04 UTC  

hows that work, mainstream republicans have said that for like 50 years

2020-04-03 07:02:24 UTC  

thats because european groups completely integrate,
non-european cultures dont integrate and they usually congregate into their own ethnic enclaves

2020-04-03 07:03:20 UTC  

I'm not sure how that works Big Guy. Perhaps the people coming here need to be better vetted in terms of loving America; but the ones that hate America will just play that game until they're in here

2020-04-03 07:03:46 UTC  

Our biggest problem it seems to be is from the muslim community.

2020-04-03 07:04:37 UTC  

IN TERMS of legal immigration; illegal immigration seems to come from desperate people from Mexico or South America, and thats a whole different problem. I don't think they should be allowed in unless they go through the proper chains...

2020-04-03 07:05:15 UTC  

i dont really see muslims being that crazily different from other people

2020-04-03 07:05:30 UTC  

The ideaology of Muslims is to push people towards their own beliefs and the radicals believe that idea but in the worst way

2020-04-03 07:05:31 UTC  

at least muslims have conservative social values and don't hate jesus

2020-04-03 07:05:59 UTC  

whats your concern then big guy

2020-04-03 07:06:16 UTC  

the whole embrace americanism thing that you're saying,
like what big guy says - it's what we've been saying since the hart-cellar act in 1965

2020-04-03 07:06:31 UTC  

yeah no one really has "embraced americanism"

2020-04-03 07:06:41 UTC  

and back then even the democrats were saying it! but now they just flat out say diversity is a strength

2020-04-03 07:06:47 UTC  

when will that kick in, 300 years?

2020-04-03 07:06:49 UTC  

that's a fault of politics; I don't think thats the fault of embracing Americanism actually

2020-04-03 07:07:00 UTC  

it's the slippery slope

2020-04-03 07:07:15 UTC  

Isn't that the cost of freedoms

2020-04-03 07:08:01 UTC  

what would be the solution to prevent this slippery slope? if we stopped legal immigration it would make things worse it seems as we're already too deep

2020-04-03 07:09:24 UTC  

I'm not trying to argue against you guys I am sincere and am open to different opinions to help shape my own view

2020-04-03 07:09:55 UTC  

I've thought about these problems a lot myself

2020-04-03 07:10:08 UTC  

the cost of freedoms shouldnt be subversion

2020-04-03 07:10:28 UTC  

we can stop immigration and no one that already lives here should have a problem

2020-04-03 07:10:54 UTC  

im not sure what happens to all the non-whites that already live here, it would require a population transfer that has never been seen before

2020-04-03 07:11:33 UTC  

but in my mind it is well worth it, it would create a better more socially cohesive society, people would have more in common/unity and there would be less distrust/crime

2020-04-03 07:12:37 UTC  

Most white people embrace other cultures so it wouldn't be a simple at all. Likely impossible. They're here now. We just need to accept the new challenges ahead rather than trying to reverse the past

2020-04-03 07:15:25 UTC  

no barely any white people live outside of western countries in any large number,
compared to how many non-whites live in western countries...
it's incomparable

2020-04-03 07:15:37 UTC  

you should probably just cut off immigration

2020-04-03 07:15:54 UTC  

net zero is fairly reasonable

2020-04-03 07:15:57 UTC  

I accept that we're becoming a minority, I won't support it or encourage it. I think we should attempt to stop it, peacefully.

2020-04-03 07:16:31 UTC  

Your idea seems metaphorically like the idea of trying to get back with an old girlfriend. That bitch is gone; just need to accept the reality of the situation today.