Message from @Nubidubi23
Discord ID: 685544935209828427
I’m not the smartest guy here but I’m damn sure That 50% of my highschool would’ve flunked from here
I’ve got a teacher who told us that we’re all racist
Because we’re white
And make
Schools brainwash their students like that
I had to watch CNN everyday for a whole school year
This was 2016
what the fuck
So just a bunch of anti-trump stuff
"To keep us up with what's going on out in the real world"
ironic isnt it
They celebrated every drone strike under Obama
didnt obama kill thousands of innocents with the strikes?
why do they hate trump's drone strike so much
he killed a terrorist , and unlike obama , didnt kill thousands of civilians
They thought it was gonna start WWIII
We didn't even come close
I'm back
@Nubidubi23#8825 @Pocahontas#8674 @PurpleTuna#5837 @dean#7491 @lima429#0980
@Kai Leng#9577
@Nubidubi23 that’s just mean right there like straight up bullying
yes but the target was a furry
Now that would be a dream come true, ngl