Message from @D3plor4ble
Discord ID: 687319007040110602
DNC knows they're going to lose so they want to lose with a more 'classic' democrat instead of the face of their party being a commie
DNC happily will take four more years of status quo if it keeps Bernie out of power
> I just got banned from the other T_D discord server because I called out the mods for spreading false statistics about coronavirus
@D3plor4ble *other*?
What other server?
T_D NoMods?
there is only one T_D server, this one.
yeah there was some other T_D server, not even sure how I originally found it.
they are spreading all sorts of false stats about coronavirus, mods claiming to be doctors and shit
this is interesting, Wikipedia going on fakenews full tilt about Spanish Flu since the COVID19 outbreak began
Funny thing is that I actually watch wrestling 😅
WWE is like porn. everyone watches it but for some reason is embarrassed to admit they do
It’s cause ppl automatically assume u think it’s real if u watch it.
The combination of YouTube reporting on backstage drama and seeing the creative decisions they make in wrestling was enough to bring me back to it after a hiatus I took from it after I started watching in 2014
I'm old enough to remember watching religiously all thru the 90's and early 00's but took a break as well. got back pretty hardcore into it a few years ago but it's been pissing me off the past six months or so
I have an orange man bad friend who loves WWE
I’d recommend watching AEW if wwe pisses u off. It’s pretty good
WWE was great when the legends were still in it. Eg Undertaker, John Cena 🎺, Kane. Caught an episode the other week and wow, it went from campy and fun to campy and cringe
Especially hated the fake 3D augmented reality props around the entrance instead of the real props people used to work so hard on. Practical effects and props are always better
Undertaker and Kane and all them were when I watched it as a kid, WWF. Good shit.
Mankind was my favorite lol
Been into UFC now for like 5 years and tried watching WWE and it was a total shitshow. I knew it was fake as a kid but it's not even close to as badass as it used to be.
Is this a joke?