Message from @Marokman
Discord ID: 687651963101642765
The Gilded Age was a time period where Laissez Faire actually happened, and like the name implied, it was beautiful
Everything was covered in gold until the socialists ruined it
I’ll have to look into it
I could do without Social Security. It has low invest to return ratio.
i play lots and lots of D&D so you have no idea how amazing that meme makes me feel @Zandu lol
a transexual is getting herded into auschwitz, men and women being separated into different entrances. "fucking nazis misgendered me!"
Joe Hussein W. Clinton
imagine unironically having the last name Clinton
In Pathfinder 2, so far Fighters are fucking scary as shit. Whenever we have a near TPK its because the DM put a fighter on the board.
lmao really though, they could limit purchases on stuff non"?
but that means less profit
i love this meme\
kung flu
@Zandu I live in the same area as where Yee-Haw is produced, and we have a big outbreak going on. Meme is accurate.
D-Wade doesn't know what a woman is anyway.
Most Miami fans still don't even know how to spell his name lol