Message from @Nubidubi23
Discord ID: 691288897174372367
sopa de macaco >>> sopa de morcego
maluco mt sangue bom
BIRD BOX brazilian edition
This is the most current and complete happenings
For now
I impressed myself with how current I was but so much got passed me
"Hey Janet, what do you do for work?"
This is disgusting
i know that lefties hate him but jesus fuck this is some next level shit
What do you expect? It'll only get more extreme from here on out.
"i want you to suffer and rot in hell where you'll get r8ped by demons" whats wrong with this guy
@Nubidubi23 not a real christian
at all
how can you wish this on someone wtf
yeah i realized
It's really ironic, how much they claim to oppose hate, they are the truly hateful ones
I dont like liberals but i dont want them to burn in hell for all eternity
what the fuck
yeah this is really messed up
I doubt he has read the bible
good lord
yeah probably not
Whoever pissed in their cereal did a good job at it
they probably piss in their own cereal every day
cereal or milk first?
they pour out the milk and the n shove the cereal up their ass
no i mean in general