Message from @plec
Discord ID: 691845192881274983
Romania is cool, I drove over a brick in Bucharest once
Thats nice
I will not chat in Memes anymore
People here still joke about how theres a hole in the ground in the same spot to this day
Its been here since 1990
Yeah ur right
Lets go to <#665554472906391583>
Nvm... oh and before i go to sleep ,most of the gypsies have luckly gone to other countries (not even they want to stay here lol) @Vanhoutastic
Ok gn now for real
I wish
this is not what i wanted
i just wanted some memes
Knock it off
You are being warned
@HeyHeyitsTeyTey paging
@Already_dead#7557 you best heed
We don't give warnings to unvetted people really
They got deported
@steelmakerZ ROFL
@CovfefeBucks jus trying to help
Fuck that lol