Message from @general_kenobi
Discord ID: 693233653240561674
@general_kenobi Nice job lad
I'm proud of you
Haha thanks
You crazy son of a bitch. You did it
what the fuck @general_kenobi that can't be a real class
there's no way a "teacher" or whatever would respond with a message like that lol
although... it is nyc
if that's real i'm at a loss for words
@lokiodinson it’s totally real lol
I’ll show you the entire convo
what the fuck "class" is this?
what the fuck are they teaching in "schools" these days?
literal brainwashing propaganda
@lokiodinson yes it is lol, there is a bunch of other dumb shit if I listed them all I would be tired of typing and your head would explode
It’s called “issues in urban society”
That’s it, they just focus on that
this should not be allowed
huge problem
obviously designed to sow discord among the american people and most likely brainwash people to be racist (mostly towards whites)
@PepeTheClown yea it’s just propaganda
the school systems are even worse than i thought
@general_kenobi You are a genuine mad lad
I love you man
@Jossten144 lmao thanks!
Man this alone ought to get you the member role
I hope you get a good grade in that class man
Though I would not condemn you if you didn't do so well, if you get my meaning.
I’m chill with the teacher
And yea I’ll be waiting for my member role tag the mods