Message from @johnolithicsoftware
Discord ID: 473409147417657346
alright you're good then
I've always enjoyed dress uniforms.
Maybe if things progress you could create some sort of uniform.
Pee nissle
whats your roblox username?
Ba'ath time
**WHITE POWER** ranger
Cocoa power rangers!
Lol. I always found Rita Repulsa to be (post Red Pill) a Yid.
Jason Mames
So u fuck little girls?
HAROLD COVINGTON calling Mason a bitch
everyone in WHITE NATIONALISM knew that mason was a freak little bitch
I am sure he was thrilled to get new idiot disciples, who did not know what we all knew
siege, was not even a book
it was a fucking mailer
you would get it in the junk mail like a flyer
On top of all of that, it was a really boring book to read.
24 hours of rambling about obvious shit
you noticed that uh?
Yeah man
It used to be required reading way back in earlier days of NSL
the whole fucking plagiarized from better men than he could ever be
In the first 30 pages Mason compares LaVey to Rockwell
well, he is a pervert and that satan queer bullshit appeals to bitches
Super duper uber nazi
Jews all run as soon they spot me
Spot me like I'm powerlifting
Showers so big thousands fit in
Member of the church of Satan
Probably the original edgelord
Hey, this dude is a savage. I had to write a verse for him!