Message from @TrustyJAID
Discord ID: 408336904250064897
wait what are talking about?
GameWisp emote servers.
I started that.
Unban from the server
tf are you talking about
I don't own GameWisp now do I have any control of what they do
@NateSnowstorm good bye my sweet prince
@NateSnowstorm don't say mean things about yourself like that
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@TrustyJAID pin at list of ur bots commands here
DMs you a list
I know
I think it would be easier for people
please type `;help` to be PM'd all my commands! :smile:
please type `;help` to be PM'd all my commands! :smile:
Poop head
<:dab:407708943926820864> <:dab:407708943926820864> <:dab:407708943926820864> <:dab:407708943926820864>
`Error in command 'dnd'. Check your console or logs for details.`