Message from @Casper
Discord ID: 474310766820851722
South Africa should resort to using a more primitive method of long-distance communication in order to get around frequency jammers.
Anglo cuck gets owned by Boer
The jew sets these niggers up with frequency jammers so the Boers can't call for reinforcements.
GSM signal
god people who follow iRoN MaRcH
This who is in a server with me follow iron march and siege
casper you see reddit was hacked today
by whom
watch it comes out to be lizard squad i will LULz
eloel why was i renamed
oh well works
LS is dead
it can be UGNazi
who is dead?
Ironmarch is woke
this nigga
UGNazi is also dead
been gone since 13-14 i think
@here I’m in VC
This is a good video to understand how the corruption happens. It is imperative to know your enemy!
This guys covers chem-trails (((SAI))) and vaccine corruptions.
I need to get on aryan radio
I just got done with legs and my hands are going numb and shit. I feel between throwing up and passing out.
It is a cunt to get on aryan radio. I have talked to some on there most have tried to help. There are too many rules.
I'm surprised, should be easier to get on that show.
What do they want you to do?
Grampa lampshade tried to help us jack We got nothing.
Even Cantwell left it.
Hmmm, if Cantwell left Aryan Radio, maybe it's no longer necessary
Maybe we just gotta be big fish
Like you said once we hit critical mass we will pick and choose who we have on.