Message from @Epic Pardner *tips*
Discord ID: 476796356816797706
They're both as bad as each other.
All they want is to fight people, and cause havoc. I'm sure Malcolm X is proud.
well, NRM fields a stormtrooper wing that outmatches their counterparts in the riot police, so I think it's safe to say that whatever they're doing, it's working
As for NA.
I get so disappointed in the Nationalist community sometimes.
Miss Hitler 2016 was a fine idea
I stand by it
Hold on...
Please let that be the left-wing death squad at me door.
she cute
Coming to take me to the Gulag, drag me out to the coal shed, put a gun to my head, scream out: "Hail Comrade Jeremy Corbyn!" and just put one between my fucking eyes.
What the fuck?
@The GUNNY I made an anagram of rahowa
it's Raw Call O'Hairy
shit wait
Call Raw O'hairy
Anyone alive in here?
@Epic Pardner *tips* RapeLash?
@Maxon ?
You're in a gore loving fag server, right?
no, just some random fag server I got a link to
Which one
I left it after they let me post gore
...that wasn't the question
What server are you taking about
FagLash? Fagout Survivalism? Fag Boot camp?
none of those
I never said it was satanist
why do you want the fag server so badly
I was wondering which server you're talking about
"This server allows gore" not hard to jump to the fagtulian conclusion
well they're all faggots regardless
I am about to call in to the Cantwell show
@The GUNNY Harold Covington