Message from @Killy
Discord ID: 476780133177622529
Ah, t, what the fuck?
I'm hoping that New Awakening will be able to rehabilitate the image of the Butler Plan, but I'm not exactly optimistic
although they're willing to go farther than Tubbyton and take a hardline NS stance, which is nice, I guess
Also pretty funny they list skinheads as part of why the edgy orgs are bad
Yet have shit like NRM in the middle
I just need a drink.
the alt-semite used to say that we need to emulate NRM aesthetics but with the Freemasonic flag
I'm not too big on NRM.
forgetting that they were founded by a literal copkiller
Yeah I’ve seen that a lot
I think klas Lund literally boot partied a nigger to death
it's the fundamental fallacy of the alt-right: "optics" come from power, not the other way around
I'm sure people thought the Sturmabteilung was cringy when they started out, wearing cheap milsurp uniforms that weren't even right for the climate
The Chad good optics Reichsbanner vs the virgin cringe SA
the eponymous brown shirt was the tropical uniform of the Imperial army
There's three groups in the Nationalist community i dislike: NRM, National Action and Atomwaffen.
Why don’t you like the first two
They're skinheads.
I hate skinheads.
National Action are just a joke - and always will be.
Are non NS skinheads better?
They're both as bad as each other.
All they want is to fight people, and cause havoc. I'm sure Malcolm X is proud.
well, NRM fields a stormtrooper wing that outmatches their counterparts in the riot police, so I think it's safe to say that whatever they're doing, it's working
As for NA.
I get so disappointed in the Nationalist community sometimes.
Miss Hitler 2016 was a fine idea
I stand by it
Hold on...
Please let that be the left-wing death squad at me door.
she cute
Coming to take me to the Gulag, drag me out to the coal shed, put a gun to my head, scream out: "Hail Comrade Jeremy Corbyn!" and just put one between my fucking eyes.
What the fuck?
@The GUNNY I made an anagram of rahowa
it's Raw Call O'Hairy
shit wait