Message from @White Eagle
Discord ID: 480503246129987592
Every little bit counts.
Imagine if he did get elected though
Could be very advantageous
He's also very supportive of national socialism, so you can imagine how that would forward NS in America.
Strategically he's running on the democrat platform.
Pat Little is very strategic in his moves.
As it should be. He is neither a slow nor stupid man. Ally with him until he proves a rake. then...... show we suffer no fools.
I'd love to recruit him into NSL but I don't think he'll get back to me on that.
Well nothing beats a try right. whats the worse he could say NO?
I won't hold any issue about it though, he's a busy man.
I have talked to cantwell a few times. I am not pissed he has refused to come on our show. he can do him We can do what we do. we keep going the wat we are it won't be long.
That's the best way to handle it @MickyCoy3020
right on.
heh @AllFather
quite the gamble
that would be sick. one for each type.
How big would it have to be?
hold on
Probably no bigger than the patches we got already
Idk about that
the bigger the better
I picture it being about the size of the palm of my hand
ye literaly
Centimeters confuse me
Eternal American here
1 centimeter =
0.393700787 inches
Poor bloke he is not european.
3.15 Inches about
At least I know what an acre is
my fugitive recovery badge is aprox 2.5 in dia.
LOL fair enough.
An Acre is about as far as you can spread a kikes ashes.
43560 Square feet my guy