Message from @gambler joe
Discord ID: 480535603520339979
Carry a binder of facts in laminated pockets
We have to get our facts from jew/mainstream sources too
Because those cannot be denied.
We would need to be prepared for both obscure and common questions. It would make us look retarded if we stood there dumbfounded because that's all they need to embarrass us
That's where watching Pat Little videos would come in, because occasionally he gets those sorts of questions, but he has a style that is capable of bending and shaping to the shape of the bowl.
Dude's a master of the red pill
Anything is better than what some of us would do, that is sit there dumbfounded
We have to get a list of facts going, get accedemically inclined about it and whatnot
I've been learning a lot that I can reuse by watching these vids
Better than reading several-hour-long books and retaining only a small portion of information about them.
I see that he is very often using a suggestion made by Rockwell, where he baits his hook differently for different fish.
and it works out well
With blacks he talks about the jew-owned slave trade and reparations paid for by Israel, with whites he talks about jewish overrepresentation in Harvard and other shit, etc..
This would go well in Clown School.
We should start taking the Rockwellian variable bait strategy seriously.
btw, it's almost time for the meeting
@AllFather We gonna have that meeting?
Yeah sorry work emergency
@everyone VC
8.4 Earthquake Fiji
I'm gonna be late to it. Family and I spent day at the lake so we are just driving home now
you need at least half a gallon a day
I dont think thats taking into effect heavy activity
copper seem to natural water purifiers