Message from @H8
Discord ID: 481242444596510740
I am 2 servers
Communists must have severe autism
mine and this one
Ah, cause I see you got two of your names in your server
Task Force Odin is our back-up server
Just made that
always prepared
Right on.
In the YT comments, there was a commie that legit believed in gay space communism
when they fuck a dude who is the server owner
they fuck the server by locking out his privileges, so naming an ALT keeps it open
Smart move.
I'm leaving most of my servers
I'm only in NSL servers now
have been for 2 weeks
anyone who wants into Werewolf Ops let me know
used to be a rather large server
I'm down to join Werewolf Ops
but I have weeded it out and it has gone pretty quiet
PoG dudes are alright, but the servers are a waste of time
I want to keep it open because of the information already there
@AllFather what’s with this new nickname lol
Between PoG and Fagtulians there's a gay ass feud and you can't always tell who's cool or an infiltrating, liber 333 loving idiot.
I hate how Antifa calls blacks "people of color", shit sounds so gay and wrong.
They're literally only one color
niggers were called "people of color" during "negro" times, right?
They're called that today that's for sure.
I don't know why we ever called them "colored folks"
Might have been a PC term of the day
We're the ones who are colorful
There we go
Those grey eyes are interesting, I have never seen those before
50s : "look at that colored feller peekin' in the bush"
2010s : "black is racist! you must say people of color!"
retarded ain't it? it's the same shit.
@AllFather weird
My server, Werewolf Ops, has survived 3 purges