Message from @The GUNNY
Discord ID: 481237479479967785
The retards are appropriating the legacy of Rockwell and Tommasi
it is not possible
Attempting to at any rate
It is like the nigger narrative, "We wuz kangz and sheit"
Rockwell would never have tolerated Mason, any real white power knows this.
Masonite fags are ass-backward. They celebrate Stalin too.
Of course
They’re not misguided National socialists
They have their own beliefs that are contrary to national socialism
And while their old line used to be that they were edgy or whatever
They are no clear in their rejection of national socialism
Having been called out on their shit
National-Socialists want this, not Iron Gates or SIEGE.
Whew, that 10 minute waiting time feels like forever
Feels good to be back
Anyway, kikat is right, someone else I know got shoahed too
There’s a purge going on
Yeah man
This is why I built fashbook
There we go
Right on
@The GUNNY Did one of your accounts get shoahed too?
Oh he's off
Yeah both of those guys are me
My account got shoahed earlier
Hopefully mine won't be
I'm one of three who I know got shoahed on here
Apparently they got Kitkat earlier too
Kitkat got shoah'd too?
Do we need Marx avatars to not get shoah'd?
Wouldn't shock me if we did
I'm listening to a particular podcast right now, I think we should all listen to it and podcasts like it, just to see what the enemy is saying about us.
We weren't mentioned but a particular big group which did exist at the time was.
The things they call disgusting really aren't at all, they really do seem to be anti-white.
It's always good to learn about the enemy