Message from @asquirestrial
Discord ID: 481253214218354688
We're the ones who are colorful
There we go
Those grey eyes are interesting, I have never seen those before
50s : "look at that colored feller peekin' in the bush"
2010s : "black is racist! you must say people of color!"
retarded ain't it? it's the same shit.
@AllFather weird
My server, Werewolf Ops, has survived 3 purges
I fully intend to keep it that way
Fucking fed
Who keeps changing my shit
Communists should pay us reparations
Gab is under another attack
404 again
the kikes really hate gab.
Gab is run by a kike
Torba? They say he is a Greek
He's not, look up the name Torba
Did I post that I say?
Whenever any sort of information/communication medium gets well known, it's always a kike who runs it.
Or rather did I post they say
Oh I know
I was just reaffirming.
We have to seize the means of information.
and production
With the means of information, the rest will follow.
some production
Zorba... zorba....
more like... SIEGE the means of information!
Haha yeah