Message from @Zanoillord123
Discord ID: 626935032556290078
dont deny it
this guy has no idea what he's talking about
your twitch lover
he’s on crack
what's twitch
@Pelth i thought you were in love with boomers?
because you were raised by one and you learned his lies
@Zanoillord123 hello main
i knew you were zano
only a moron would use those PFPs
which one of you fucking
bottom feeders
tagged me
@angie!! dumb slut
ew wtf
@Zanoillord123 probably satan, go run away
@CallMeTruckson dumb slut
you dumb bitch i didn’t tag you
@Zanoillord123 i did, main
you're my main
zano why did u become a potato head
why did you awake the dragon?
it WAS angie
it wasn’t me
you're my main wtf u talking about @Zanoillord123
she did it and is lying now, like all females
@Herr Blau I ain’t your main wtf wink
LMAO that’s ur alt jason
no it’s not
u suck at pretending
I’m not