Message from @Jossi

Discord ID: 281601576525627404

2017-02-16 01:25:38 UTC  

I fix that

2017-02-16 01:26:01 UTC  

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/ __ __ __ _| IS HERE TO STAY
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2017-02-16 01:26:09 UTC  

Well that failed.

2017-02-16 01:38:48 UTC  

umm what the fuck were you trying to post?

2017-02-16 01:39:15 UTC  

that looks like homer simpson with some fail klan slogan

2017-02-16 01:39:15 UTC  

A bird perched upon a dick with a KKK cap on.

2017-02-16 01:39:28 UTC  

Shows better in IRC.

2017-02-16 01:39:31 UTC  


2017-02-16 01:40:54 UTC  

democrats still impotent. they need some levitra i think

2017-02-16 01:41:04 UTC  

Lol bye bye to those ones.

2017-02-16 01:41:15 UTC  

i bet 99% don't have the courage to not pay

2017-02-16 01:41:19 UTC  

Isn't that a sort of oxymoron?

2017-02-16 01:41:28 UTC  

and the 1% that do already don't pay

2017-02-16 01:41:39 UTC  

You'd think conservaties would resist excess Obama-level taxation.

2017-02-16 01:42:00 UTC  

yea go ahead dems sign your name to a vow to break the law. then when we go after you we don't have to wait so long to get your conviction

2017-02-16 01:42:12 UTC  

conservatives and tea partiers are pussies

2017-02-16 01:42:22 UTC  

that's why they've failed where we succeeded

2017-02-16 01:43:49 UTC  

Newman, 48, regrets that his 2016 taxes have already been automatically taken out of his paycheck.

2017-02-16 01:43:58 UTC  

lol yea that's how deductions work bitch

2017-02-16 01:44:07 UTC  

and this faggot is a professor of English of course

2017-02-16 01:44:43 UTC  

At least the good news is I think it's up to 50% of taxable income can be deducted for a non-profit.

2017-02-16 01:44:57 UTC  

I'm going to put it all in my own foundation.

2017-02-16 01:47:48 UTC  

as a writer i think i should start my own company then pay myself and keep the taxes out myself.

2017-02-16 01:48:32 UTC  

@Jossi They're going to get caught for tax evasion.

2017-02-16 01:48:41 UTC  

You'd be paying taxes on receipt of any income the company makes.

2017-02-16 01:49:09 UTC  

LLC, pass through-entity taxation, or S Corp, whereas you only pay tax respective to your income taxes.

2017-02-16 01:49:25 UTC  

C Corporation is double taxation.

2017-02-16 01:49:46 UTC  

@randellgary there were a bunch of old hippie types in there talking about how they never paid and never went to jail and i'm just hinking dodge it en masse and watch the IRS seize houses en masse to pay for them

2017-02-16 01:49:56 UTC  

ouch fuck i guess i won't be doing that

2017-02-16 01:50:59 UTC  

@Jossi That way, the invading illegals now have somewhere to live.

2017-02-16 01:51:22 UTC  

that's just a basket full of joy to me. watching old hippies come out of the woodwork to act like they are civil rights leaders who oppose trump. it makes my heart sing 😄

2017-02-16 01:56:26 UTC  
2017-02-16 01:56:41 UTC  

VK has tons of free resources

2017-02-16 01:56:58 UTC  

If you want to spruce up your web presence for said bi.

2017-02-16 01:57:00 UTC  


2017-02-16 02:03:50 UTC  

cool. thanks. you mean you don't like my super fucking minimalist no effort website? 😃

2017-02-16 02:09:21 UTC  


2017-02-16 02:09:29 UTC  

just because i'm in an assholish mood today