Message from @bringmethcringe

Discord ID: 703177270226976798

2020-04-24 09:34:46 UTC  

if it brings money home

2020-04-24 09:34:48 UTC  

im gonna cum

2020-04-24 09:34:48 UTC  

ok eveyone

2020-04-24 09:34:49 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:34:51 UTC  

no more typing

2020-04-24 09:34:58 UTC  

-df incel

2020-04-24 09:34:58 UTC  

**incel**: aka "involuntarily [celibate]", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. incels have little to no [self awareness]; even when they see other "ugly" men with girlfriends, they consider these men to be [tricksters] who have somehow [beat the system] and can get women despite being cursed with unattractiveness (in other words, theyre respectful to women and women are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon). they believe that women owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet coming up with ways to make women have sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Chads" (men who have sex), taking rights away from women, raping them, having sex with women's dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why women want nothing to do with them).
*I'm [pretty sure] Ryan is an incel. Yesterday he made a facebook post about how all women are [shallow] and exist to torture men by "denying" them sex, as if sex is something people "deserve", and not a [privilege] given by potential sexual partners that should be respected.*
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2020-04-24 09:34:58 UTC  

-df truce

2020-04-24 09:34:59 UTC  

**Truce**: A [pact] between a group of people/[persons] to [stick] with each other
*[The two] [bullies] called a [truce] on each other .*
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2020-04-24 09:35:01 UTC  

-df cum

2020-04-24 09:35:01 UTC  

**Cum**: [The fluid] containing [sperm] [ejaculated] from a man when he has an erection.
*Sarah was sitting on the chair, in only a red thong. She had her legs spread wide [over the chair], and her brown hair [flowed] over her bare boobs. I was getting excited, Sarah was so hot. She ripped off [the thong] as she stood up, walked right past me and [shut the door] I had just passed through. She turned to face me, her feet strongly planted, and forced her hand down my pants. I [unblocked] my belt, and she tore my pants down to my ankles. She fell to her knees and removed my boxers. I could feel it, my dick was already starting to swell up. God, Sarah was hot. She started on the tip of my dick. She [swirled] her tongue around it a little. She almost immediately started to massage my balls vigorously. She then took on my whole dick, deep throating it. I could feel it, I was gonna cum. My balls were urging for it to come out. I moaned, it felt so good. I [grunted] a little as it started, and I cummed inside of her mouth. She pulled away, and swallowed, then smiled. My shirt was torn off and she was rubbing my dick with her hands. Then, she was on her hands and knees. I rubbed my dick, and slipped on the condom from the bowl. My dick was throbbing and I was excited. I slowly slid into her pussy and she squeaked quietly. I began to thrust myself. Faster and faster, I wasn't controlling myself, and she bounced and bounced, moaning and moaning until she screamed. We changed positions a few times, then my cum [splurged] out at work just thinking about it. Then my assistant asked for some.*
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2020-04-24 09:35:07 UTC  

-df cum baby

2020-04-24 09:35:07 UTC  

**Cum Baby**: The effect of getting [full on] jizz; swallowing after so many [blow jobs] you look pregnant. Coined by the great [Tweeter], msloulou
*She's [sucked] so much [cock it] looks like she has a [cum baby]*
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2020-04-24 09:35:10 UTC  

-8ball did my dad really leave me because he wanted me to play football but instead i decided to play baseball and then my mom had a post birth abortion because the baby was half jewish and had a 50% chance of being a woman

2020-04-24 09:35:10 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:16 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:17 UTC  

-df eight ball

2020-04-24 09:35:17 UTC  

**eight ball**: [3.5 grams] of [meth] or [coke]
*damn, that [8 ball] is [already] [gone]!*
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2020-04-24 09:35:21 UTC  

-df cum

2020-04-24 09:35:22 UTC  

**Cum**: [The fluid] containing [sperm] [ejaculated] from a man when he has an erection.
*Sarah was sitting on the chair, in only a red thong. She had her legs spread wide [over the chair], and her brown hair [flowed] over her bare boobs. I was getting excited, Sarah was so hot. She ripped off [the thong] as she stood up, walked right past me and [shut the door] I had just passed through. She turned to face me, her feet strongly planted, and forced her hand down my pants. I [unblocked] my belt, and she tore my pants down to my ankles. She fell to her knees and removed my boxers. I could feel it, my dick was already starting to swell up. God, Sarah was hot. She started on the tip of my dick. She [swirled] her tongue around it a little. She almost immediately started to massage my balls vigorously. She then took on my whole dick, deep throating it. I could feel it, I was gonna cum. My balls were urging for it to come out. I moaned, it felt so good. I [grunted] a little as it started, and I cummed inside of her mouth. She pulled away, and swallowed, then smiled. My shirt was torn off and she was rubbing my dick with her hands. Then, she was on her hands and knees. I rubbed my dick, and slipped on the condom from the bowl. My dick was throbbing and I was excited. I slowly slid into her pussy and she squeaked quietly. I began to thrust myself. Faster and faster, I wasn't controlling myself, and she bounced and bounced, moaning and moaning until she screamed. We changed positions a few times, then my cum [splurged] out at work just thinking about it. Then my assistant asked for some.*
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2020-04-24 09:35:25 UTC  

-df anglo

2020-04-24 09:35:25 UTC  

**anglo**: having [to do] with [Britian], its people, or its [culture]
*anglology-study of [Britian], its people, or its [culture]
anglonics-British [speaking]
anglophobe-lover of Britian, its people, or its culture
anglophile- fearer of Britian, its people, or its culture*
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2020-04-24 09:35:28 UTC  

-df pornography industry

2020-04-24 09:35:28 UTC  

**pornography**: 1) [educational programming] recommended junior high students who need to see how its done

2) a collection of [dvd's] stored in [your dad's] closet marked 'baby pictures'
*1) [Emily and Jack] ate [carrots] as they watched pornography.
2) Yes.. this is a boring [box] of baby pictures.. please do not open this box..*
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2020-04-24 09:35:33 UTC  

-df kike

2020-04-24 09:35:33 UTC  

**kike**: [A racist] [name] for a [Jewish] person.
*[American History X] - "You think I'm gonna sit here and smile while some [fuckin'] kike tries to fuck [my mother]?"*
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2020-04-24 09:35:37 UTC  

**nigger**: A word that caused numerous school districts to [ban] the great American [novel], The Adventures of [Huckleberry Finn].
*Teacher: I'd love for you guys to read [Huck Finn], but because uneducated people don't understand the context of the [so-called] [N-word], I can't let you.*
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2020-04-24 09:35:39 UTC  

-df kike on a stick

2020-04-24 09:35:39 UTC  

**kike stick**: an object to [beat down] jews, preferably a [bat] with [rusty nails].
*that [greedy jew] wouldn't [cough up] a dollar, so i'm gunna [smash him] up with the ol' kike stick i got in my basement.*
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2020-04-24 09:35:40 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:44 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:46 UTC  

ban the boy!!!

2020-04-24 09:35:49 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:50 UTC  

-df african men

2020-04-24 09:35:50 UTC  

**Men-Men**: [The god] of all [gods] for a group of people who have [given up] on real religion
*Men-Men [will] [always] be OUR [god]*
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2020-04-24 09:35:50 UTC  


2020-04-24 09:35:55 UTC  

-df nigga

2020-04-24 09:35:55 UTC  

**Nigga**: A word that only black people use to call there [homies] if a [white person] uses it they are in some [deep shit]
*John: What is up [my nigga]

[Sean]:What the fuck did you say

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2020-04-24 09:35:59 UTC  

-df n-word

2020-04-24 09:35:59 UTC  

**N-word**: [Keemstar's] [favorite word].
Keemstar: NI-- *dies**
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2020-04-24 09:36:09 UTC  

-df Wanker