Message from @ratoj9
Discord ID: 267434395869249536
@ratoj9 Take then with grains of salt, I suppose.
Yes, unfortunately some Filipinos would go for lowest SMV white guy thinking he's cool - like Matt Forney
am i muted again??
try to talk
waiting, don't want to interrupt
Yes, send SJWs to Zimbabwe and Venezuela too
@ratoj9 Maybe the predominantly Muslim side of North Africa?
Good idea
It would be a miracle if Germany returns to nationalism
Blacks can have Atlanta
Didn't an Jewish elite start WW11?
@ratoj9 Maybe Birmingham, Alabama. And maybe? Hold on, I'll search for the cause.
Oh, I thought you wanted to mix with Gabby (the actress in the Precious movie) 😜
Out to dinner y'all havea good one peace
I love Hungary ðŸ‡ðŸ‡º
@rjennings333 Alright, here's the guy.
Good. God bless Hungary
@randellgary Thanks
I'll take my chances.
Vegan pothead leftists should be exempt from having children 😜
"exempt" means ot me steralized
An addendum to that: only have children if you can afford them.
Some like Vegan Gains would sterilize themselves. He got a vasectomy
Yes, and have children if you want them
Huh, I'm triggered 😉
have you guys heard of Basil the BUlgar Slayer?
blinded 10k men he captured and sent them back home
Ok, that's understandable. As opposed to generations of welfare mamas
so they couldn't come back to fight him
@Jossi Is this the guy?
Socialism worked until the EU?
@randellgary i think so yes
i learned him as Basil the Bulgar Slayer though
Libertarian is for limited government
The USA was founded as a republic not a democracy
In Early USA days, people had the time. There needs to be ethical checks & balances