Message from @MC-NoCoiner
Discord ID: 404067910575980555
Not just a link but a whole wiki.. complete with introduction/ how to get involved/ who is q/ just facts.
It looks sexy.. it’s just a lot of work..
i gather you will have specific #things and parts of the wiki to link?
Yup its going to work hand/hand with bakery..
i am cool w/whatever, but my orig. question was just abt. general posting the link to the wiki
I can’t post it cause it isn’t complete..
bien sur!
Still in final developments.. ;$
So, what I need to do
@Swedish Chef do me one favor: make sure whoever is writing the wiki knows how to use apostrophes, unlike whoever wrote this
"Podesta's" is used as a plural of Podesta THIS IS WRONG
Podestas is plural
Podesta's is singular possessive
Podestas' is plural possessive
#MakeSpellingAndGrammarGreatAgain #MSAGGA
what trix just said in @welcome is bullshit
you dont use an anti trump hash and tag potus
#mixed messages
and somehow it wont delute ours?
there message is already bullshit
but tell me more about your start here
explaine your strat
good luck with it then
Whyi was talking about Bradley Manning.
About to hit Bernie, saw his tweet about the DREAM act. Should I use some of the LOTR orc stuff?
Doooo Eeeeeeeet
What happened?
Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules. To unlock your account, please complete the steps below and confirm that you are the valid account owner.
Should we grab a different hashtag now
@oak1971 I got the same thing had to verify my Account must have been tweeting too much I am also using a different #hashtag #releasethedocument and whatever is trending in my area think #mlkday 😃
I still get messages and new followers I use @ Potus then do my post or I use replying to their @1234 account seems to work not starting over I got almost 1,350 followers
;twitter trends
absolutely criminal
So I've been using the site that someone linked as a way to check the live stats. Wonder which one is accurate
Well that sucks
Never been part of a meme war before
I haven't noticed #releasethememo being banned as it is getting retweeted and I get replies and more followers so not sure what gives with this meme war will use another #hashtag
they say we are Russian bots so glad to know the russians put America first 😃
orig acct semi-shadowbanned; rigby one def. shadowbanned; just confirmed new acct, `@bourbonb4lls` -- should i avoid following ppl and just tweet? @Swedish Chef