Message from @NateSnowstorm
Discord ID: 408042060558368770
@TrustyJAID I have 100% proven your autism
>using that mean in 2018
>making this meme great again in 2018
>unironically using a meme that started on Twitter
>uNiROnIcAlLY uSInG A MeME THaT StArtEd ON tWitTeR
Nice self bot
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Nice self bot tbh
nIcE SelF BoT tBh
No u
Don't come to the senate tomorrow
DoN'T cOmE tO tHe sEnAtE ToMoRRoW
are all the major networks livestreaming sotu?
Most likely, yes
should be on the WhiteHouse YT channel as well
gotta get my stream lined up in case it lives up to the expectations
ah good idea they'll probably have it as well
nvm, they have another link for SOTU
starts in 21m