Message from @CU Fern
Discord ID: 416293982612619274
Social media right now is truly toxic... there are being so many agendas pushed. It’s crazy.. most people don’t know what they are fighting for
I only wished hell on them b/c I get so angry seeing these people die and how the MSM deceives people. I remember I use to get so angry about 2-5 months ago when I'd see Colbert lie about Trump, esp. how he lied about PizzaGate and he's friends with Podesta. I hate the deception used against good people. HRC used to drive me nuts when she just straight out lies so boldy in interviews. I can't listen to her. I have extreme anger.
I agree Chef
It's a mess
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I pray for everyone including satan himself.
and most don't even know going on -_-
I honestly want it to just come out soon
No more deaths
We have to be patient though Q says.............
Message isn't right time and will get lost. I'm just hoping Mid April or earlier.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
It's a marathon
And will probably continue well beyond your mortal lifespan
I asked b/c I saw Christian's mixed opinions. Again I'm not religious. But they were commenting on InfoWars when McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer. Half of the audience said they would not pray b/c he's a traitor. The other half said Christ would want them to and to pray for their enemies.
So asking.
Funny enough now tho
QAnon says
it's an alibi for prison lmfao
You think Q is an oracle?
I haven't seen those Boot pictures in a while
I never stated that
is this not a discord for QAnon discussion?
Or wrong one?
I only asked a question for people's opinions
Can talk about anything
I was asking you if you thought Q was an infallible source of truth
isn't disinfo necessary tho?
I saw David Seaman get of the Q bus like 4 weeks ago
over an apparent email that wasn't legit?
But I think people argued just b/c it wasn't in the WikiLeaks Podesta drop doesn't mean it wasn't legitimate and could have been achieved from somewhere else relating Q's sources.
I pray for him either way, John McCain, and withhold judgement. I don't know if he's a traitor or was acting on behalf of trump. It's a dirty game and I'm slow to mar someone's honor.
Do you know
what Q meant when he said they were free?
Is all the blackmail completely cut off?
I'm not really up on Q stuff