Message from @Supreme

Discord ID: 644697307211628544

2019-11-15 00:34:59 UTC  


2019-11-15 00:35:01 UTC  


2019-11-15 00:35:09 UTC  

Different responsibilities

2019-11-15 00:35:13 UTC  

lol you want me to explain the british common wealth

2019-11-15 00:35:16 UTC  

parliamentary system

2019-11-15 00:35:17 UTC  

to you

2019-11-15 00:35:22 UTC  

can't you google retard

2019-11-15 00:35:29 UTC  

Thats what i thought

2019-11-15 00:35:35 UTC  

Stfu and sit down

2019-11-15 00:35:43 UTC  

one big difference is that in Canada the governor general

2019-11-15 00:35:51 UTC  

oversees many of the prime ministers actions

2019-11-15 00:35:57 UTC  

there's no us equivalent

2019-11-15 00:36:30 UTC  

We have the supreme court to watch over, trump cant just make any decision

2019-11-15 00:36:37 UTC  

we have a supreme court too

2019-11-15 00:36:39 UTC  

fucking shithead

2019-11-15 00:36:41 UTC  


2019-11-15 00:36:45 UTC  

So same thing

2019-11-15 00:36:49 UTC  


2019-11-15 00:36:53 UTC  

Idk what you're arguing

2019-11-15 00:36:53 UTC  

you need to learn your own system

2019-11-15 00:36:55 UTC  

before you compare others

2019-11-15 00:36:58 UTC  


2019-11-15 00:37:14 UTC  

canada's constitution isn't as concrete as the u.s. one

2019-11-15 00:37:15 UTC  

I literally just explained our same difference

2019-11-15 00:37:20 UTC  

define concrete

2019-11-15 00:37:30 UTC  

no you didn't

2019-11-15 00:37:34 UTC  

you literally typed a bunch of words

2019-11-15 00:37:36 UTC  

that make no senses

2019-11-15 00:37:42 UTC  

of course canada has a supreme court

2019-11-15 00:37:49 UTC  

this isn't the same thing as a governor general

2019-11-15 00:37:56 UTC  

the governor general was officially the representative

2019-11-15 00:37:57 UTC  

of the queen

2019-11-15 00:38:04 UTC  

Exactly...they both have to go thru it

2019-11-15 00:38:06 UTC  

and has ceremonial duties tied to this position

2019-11-15 00:38:08 UTC  

canada is pretty much an irrelevant shithole though that should be invaded

2019-11-15 00:38:09 UTC  

such as approving bills

2019-11-15 00:38:16 UTC  

Justin is your president ie prime minister ie leadrt

2019-11-15 00:38:18 UTC  

in the us there's no equivalent because you're not part

2019-11-15 00:38:21 UTC  

of the british monarchy

2019-11-15 00:38:30 UTC  

This is shit a grade schooler

2019-11-15 00:38:31 UTC  

would know