Message from @Chef

Discord ID: 649849285449482241

2019-11-29 05:48:11 UTC  

my mom just went to sleep <:peepobad:538084182644228112>

2019-11-29 05:48:12 UTC  

Joe smol bebe

2019-11-29 05:48:17 UTC  

@valeriaa with me

2019-11-29 05:48:22 UTC  

-df toxic masculinity

2019-11-29 05:48:22 UTC  

**Toxic Masculinity**: A social science term that describes narrow repressive type of ideas about the male gender role, that defines masculinity as exaggerated masculine traits like being violent, unemotional, [sexually aggressive], and so forth. Also suggests that men who act too emotional or maybe arenโ€™t violent enough or donโ€™t do all of the things that โ€œreal menโ€ do, can get their โ€œ[man card]โ€ taken away.

Many people confuse the difference between Masculinity and [toxic Masculinity]. However, one can be masculine without having toxic Masculinity.

Some beliefs of [toxic masculinity] is that:

-interactions between men and women always has to be competitive and not cooperative.

-men can never truly understand women and that men and women can never just be friends.

-That REAL men need to be strong and that showing emotion is a sign of weakness... unless itโ€™s anger, that is considered okay.

-The idea that men can never be victims of abuse and talking about it is shameful.

-The idea that REAL men always want sex and are ready for it at any time.

-The idea that violence is the answer to everything and that REAL men solve their problems through violence.

-The idea that men could never be single parents and that men shouldnโ€™t be very interactive in their childrenโ€™s learning and development and that men should always be the dominant one in the relationship or else heโ€™s a โ€œCuck.โ€

-The idea that any interest in a range of things that are strictly considered feminine would be an [emasculation] of a guy.
*Guy: A Real Man doesnโ€™t stay home and take care of his kids while his wife works. Youโ€™re a cuck.

Other guy: I donโ€™t need your [toxic Masculinity] and [preconceived] [notions] of what it means to be a โ€œreal mean.โ€*
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2019-11-29 05:48:22 UTC  

send mom pics

2019-11-29 05:48:26 UTC  

Nah she gonna be up all night @valeriaa

2019-11-29 05:48:26 UTC  

Joe smol bebe

2019-11-29 05:48:33 UTC  

@personbelowmetriplegay <:honk:583238347124637707>

2019-11-29 05:48:37 UTC  

@valeriaa did I ask?

2019-11-29 05:48:38 UTC  

not with a 12 year old

2019-11-29 05:48:46 UTC  

Val's mom gon be up all night with me and Tyrone

2019-11-29 05:48:48 UTC  

-df gender studies

2019-11-29 05:48:48 UTC  

**gender studies**: A field of study in universities which takes advantage of young impressionable girls (and beta-males), by convincing them that females are oppressed, and that men are the oppressors. Feminist dogma, and social justice are taught in gender studies classes. This leads these students to believe that, despite living in the most free countries in the most free era ever, that they are living in a [tyrannical], futile system, despite all contrary evidence. This is used to justify discrimination against "[cisgender] heterosexual white males", and any other majority group which may have been overlooked by this definition.

As if to complete a [full circle], gender studies can lead to no employment (other than perhaps, gender studies professor). As such, women who graduate cannot get a high-paying job, and contribute to the dumb-ass "wage gap" myth they learned about... In their gender studies class!

Essentially, gender studies is the [scourge] of [academia] and truth. Everything is sexist. Everything is racist, everything is homophobic, etc...
*Jim:See that fat, blue-haired, [crazily] tattooed, ridiculously pierced girl wearing 'problematic' glasses?
John: Yeah?
Jim: She's a gender studies major for sure.
Girl: [Check your privilege], [cishet] white male scum!*
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2019-11-29 05:48:50 UTC  


2019-11-29 05:48:52 UTC  
2019-11-29 05:48:53 UTC  

We vibin

2019-11-29 05:49:01 UTC  

@valeriaa talkin to mesh

2019-11-29 05:49:02 UTC  

bros b4 hoes doe

2019-11-29 05:49:03 UTC  

oh thought it would say wasted college tuition

2019-11-29 05:49:04 UTC  

<:laugh:583238348077006869> <:laugh:583238348077006869>

2019-11-29 05:49:14 UTC  

-df dumb whore val

2019-11-29 05:49:14 UTC  

**Val**: A woman who has an independent spirit and prefers to live life on her own terms. She places a far greater value on having a good time than on material possessions. But be warned that she has a very bad reputation for tempers, so do what you can to not set off any fiery displays. Lastly, she's extremely [perceptive], honest and [disdainful] of [deception] in her relationship. She works hard but parties even harder!
*Val is [always] [furious]*
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2019-11-29 05:49:18 UTC  

@Monke|Golira gang๐Ÿฆ well you pinged me whore

2019-11-29 05:49:29 UTC  

like fr nigga

2019-11-29 05:49:32 UTC  

Honest in her relationship

2019-11-29 05:49:40 UTC  

He's older than pomp

2019-11-29 05:49:41 UTC  


2019-11-29 05:49:43 UTC  


2019-11-29 05:49:48 UTC  


2019-11-29 05:49:50 UTC  

Gtg sleep

2019-11-29 05:49:50 UTC  

yes pomp is 11

2019-11-29 05:49:54 UTC  
