Message from @Lagomaster24
Discord ID: 463851453925031936
honestly these people probs think that if a Civil War DOES occur they will be safe, and tbh thats unlikely knowing how civil conflicts tend to go
but i hope to god we dont get to that point
If a civil war were to occur, at least we wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.
probs not but we could also potentially get worse people
the parallels with V for Vendetta with this stuff doh
like UK is becoming more authoritarian and the US is talking Civil War
To be fair, the US has been talking Civil War for three, going on 4 years now
like Texans and Californians talking succession
Hey, I'm all for CA seceding
Californians need not secede the fault line will do that for them lel
theyll just break off and float away
Removes a bunch of blue votes, removes Hollywood, removes generally the worst faggotry.
By the time they realize they were importing food we've got them taken over
See ive got no problem with Blue Votes but when its regressive blue then yikes
There's really no difference at the moment
Dems have their head up their ass atm
Probably literally.
Wait, no, that's someone else's ass
What are those, anyways? Basically this is all I've ever seen of them, if they were different in my lifetime I was too young to know
tbh its hard to say cause it changes with the ages but ultimately they are largely based on small L libertarianism in regards to individual choice but with more government involvement in the market and stuff i guess
That's not really small L libertarianism
Well big L is More free market. at least in the US
The way I see it, their position changes with the progressive position. Used to be pro eugenics and racist as fuck (hell, still is, just calls it something else now).
yea they had a paradigm shift that changed their demographics when JFK and LBJ where around and stuff
Nixon was another occurance
I think that progressivism isnt inherently bad its just been co-opted by marxists and their weird alliance with corporate bougiouse
As a good example of older progressive positions, by the way, I'd encourage you to look up the origins of Planned Parenthood
I'd disagree on that. It's always been a shade of shitty
Oh yea i heard about PP forget what it was, legit just escaped me
Need a TLDR?
Basically, the founder, woman by the name of Margaret Sanger, supported the legalization of abortion as a way to get rid of black people and those with genetic defects. Supported "parent licenses" too. Now look at where abortion clinics tend to be located
Keep in mind that this was just after the turn of the century, so her opinions weren't looked down upon quite as much as they would be today