Message from @Wulfolme
Discord ID: 531681167464857600
notch lookin ass
didnt he post a pic of his bald, beanieless head in /pol/ once
he should hit up Elon and ask for his hair transplant doctor’s number
Please call Elon's doctor, and not Trump's!
Elon is busy with the catgirl conundrum. Do not bother him.
i wonder if catgirls would have an issue with baldness
Semi-serious question, would you support there actually being catgirls?
depends on social factors
if mental faculties were on-par with baseline humans, i'd say to give them full rights
What would you need in order to say you can keep a Catgirl and a breading partner?
I bet they wouldn't be all they're cracked up to be.
again, depends on sapience
Probably like trailer park level crazy. Fickle beasts.
I can't really see a way to justify it in anything resembling a real world.
i can't see domestic ownership being justifiable
What if they were... *nearly* human.
bar legalizing slavery, which it seems like
*near* human, human-like in appearance, not entirely *there* tho?
i dont think you realise what catgirls are
tl;dr humans with cat ears and tails
i think you want a pet you can fuck without people getting all moral questiony about it
The closest I can think of is if it is some sort of treatment that the woman has to want to go throw with and have very specialized screening process to make sure both partners are going to be good with it.
Its the cuteness factor, which is probably closer to liking loli than liking furry
if someone had cosmetic surgery to add cat ears on their human head you would be repulsed by it
They'd be awkwardly small.
physically removing a cat's ears and putting them on your head sounds retarded and also would be rejected by the body
but fashioning cat ears from your own skin on your head
Call me an edgelord but sometimes I just take a meme and think it through.
*though, and i see no issue with doing that
Well this isn't working out
i do it myself
the meme overthinking, that is
They would have to be genetically engineered. I guess we have to first work out the ticks with cloning and develop a rights doctrine there first.
The other possibility is that this is some sort of alien or previously unknown species... which opens all sorts of problems there too.
i vote alien