Message from @nitty
Discord ID: 666188758865018891
Stella all the way
Oi m8 can I get a 2s on yer blem pls I spent all me money on a Sunday roast and a nice relaxing smoke of crack
Who are you
Lonely person
Go and do something
Oi m8 I just want some blem pls m8
Yeye come behind asda init
There's alot of smeg in there but just clean it with a rag
I wud give u a shag for a meal deal m8
We talking about Tesco or co-op
Co-op is shit
All the way
I’m banned from Sainsburys
Should have just chinnec em
I tried to run m8 but the crack was fucking banging and me head was spinning around
Just start swinging
Am I a fookin bayblade mate
If your on crack then ye
<a:zanosdance:604969043492864021> <a:CrabRave:613565591860543501>
You think we crack users are all the same mate that’s so offensive mate I’ll have you know that not all crack users are the same I’m a very sophisticated user
It upsets me that In the 21st century we have crack shaming
@rednaxela what’s that ? You want me to suck your veiny knob for some crack ?
Let’s get down to it then
*places crusty dry lips on @rednaxela’s 2 inch penis, I get some of my chipped tooth on his penis head*
Please no