Message from @alex.

Discord ID: 667566942865063948

2020-01-17 03:07:42 UTC  

There are 7 fully black people at my school

2020-01-17 03:07:48 UTC  

I hate New Yorkers Boston's and people from jersey

2020-01-17 03:08:01 UTC  

Partially black is still black

2020-01-17 03:08:03 UTC  

Loud for no reason

2020-01-17 03:08:17 UTC  

Then is partially white still white

2020-01-17 03:08:36 UTC  

You ever heard a Puerto Rican new Yorker pelth

2020-01-17 03:08:42 UTC  

Worst people ever

2020-01-17 03:09:25 UTC  

Ehh I just put on a stone wall

2020-01-17 03:09:31 UTC  

Most people at my school I find are annoying

2020-01-17 03:09:58 UTC  

I’ll just answer like yeah or nah and they’ll eventually shut up

2020-01-17 03:10:30 UTC  

That goes with psychology

2020-01-17 03:10:35 UTC  

Let them speak

2020-01-17 03:10:56 UTC  

It's an easier way out than to argue how stupid they are

2020-01-17 03:11:02 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:11:33 UTC  

It sucks when I think a girl is cute but she’s annoying asl and talks to every single person on the planet

2020-01-17 03:11:54 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:12:04 UTC  

How’s that a yikes

2020-01-17 03:12:31 UTC  

many ways

2020-01-17 03:12:41 UTC  

-df yoke

2020-01-17 03:12:41 UTC  

**Yoke**: [Dublin] slang for an [Ecstacy] [tablet].
*How [much] for a [yoke]?*
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2020-01-17 03:12:41 UTC  

Go off then

2020-01-17 03:12:52 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:13:04 UTC  

How many slang terms does that pill need

2020-01-17 03:13:08 UTC  

thats dag

2020-01-17 03:13:10 UTC  

-df dag

2020-01-17 03:13:11 UTC  

**dag**: 1. A turd hanging off the rear end of a sheep (caught in the fleece).

2. Someone who is [daggy], i.e. uncool. This can be meant insultingly or affectionately. (Much like that other well-known [Australianism], "you [old bastard]".) On the face of it, it's an insult, but there are ways in which it is seen as admirable to be a dag – having one's own style, not caring for public opinion, being outrageous, being a source of friendly amusement, being original.
*1. "About time the farmer cut off those [dags]."

2. (a) Insulting: "I wouldn't go out with him, he's the biggest dag around."

(b) Affectionate: "She's such a dag, we always have heaps of fun."

3. Comedian [John Clarke's] character on New Zealand and later Australian radio, Fred [Dagg], so named for obvious reasons.*
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2020-01-17 03:13:17 UTC  

so so dag

2020-01-17 03:13:20 UTC  

what is a horse yoke called

2020-01-17 03:13:25 UTC  

Your mom

2020-01-17 03:13:28 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:13:32 UTC  

bro you kir

2020-01-17 03:13:34 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:13:35 UTC  

-df kr

2020-01-17 03:13:36 UTC  

**Kr**: To [agree] or to [follow along]. Great for when [texting] and usually used at the end of a conversation.
*Woman-Hey I just [wanted] [to let] you know u were [hilarious] tonight. Man-Kr*
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2020-01-17 03:13:40 UTC  

-df kir

2020-01-17 03:13:40 UTC  

**Kir**: An [offensive] [exclamation] that is used when you want to tell someone to shut up or stop laughing [for no reason].
(its main definition is "dick")
*1 : [hahahaha]!
2: Kir!*
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2020-01-17 03:13:45 UTC  

so kir bro

2020-01-17 03:13:55 UTC  

thats like tib man

2020-01-17 03:13:56 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:13:57 UTC  


2020-01-17 03:13:58 UTC  

@pompompiggy nigga I had Tesla stock but I sold it