Message from @.B
Discord ID: 474332552291680287
XD youre right
I don't think "man proves 4chan is 30% women definitively" is historically significant lol
just imagine, are all the gore posters women trying to protect their board?
maybe the trend would be that its actually representative of the population as a whole
Some of the boards like /cgl/ are majority female for what that's worth, but I don't think any of the faster boards are
so its not impossible that its 50/50ish
at least not inconceivable
even /cos/ is full of guys watching the women
it's impossible
even if you meant 50% of women just lurking
unless theres a good reason more men are degenerate btards. regardless of the ratio of men to womens on the internets as a whole
there are
You're gonna have to back that, and no, anecdotes don't cut it
I'm not saying it's impossible in the future
I'm saying it's impossible for that to be true today
Could be, I haven't browsed 4chan in a few years
Still requires more than "because I said so"
just the list the traits of a 4chan user is too male for women to be the majority
If you think all boards have the same culture you really don't know much about the site
it was referenced above
/cos/ definitly can have more female posters, but still be a minority in lurkers
if we are talking about specific boards, there can be exceptions
lol like B
pretty sure thats exclusivley dudes
but there's no way that in 48 boards that are mostly male oriented, that women are the majority of the whole site, even if you consider they post less and lurk more than men
Not really sure what the amount of lurkers matter when the original discussion was on people assuming posters were male
And no one ever claimed women are the majority of the site
@Schedrevka the amount of lurkers matters, because people are saying the ratio **on 4chan**, which assumes lurkers
>And no one ever claimed women are the majority of the site
Like I said above, I would be surprised if they were even 30% of lurkers
The boards are not male oriented. Only a few are
only most, you mean
How are they male oriented?
what do you want me to say without making too general statements that I already made above?
anonymity appeals to males
/cgl/ appeals to women, but still lure male attention
/fa/ and /r9k/ appeal to women (compared to other boards), but I still doubt they even reach 50%
/p/ appeals to women, but a lot is just to shill their social network accounts
I asked what makes them male oriented... not what u feel about what women like